The AHFAP Committee has devised a framework for the creation of Special Interest Groups (SIG) within the association. This will enable members who have specific interests in an aspect of our work to group together and focus on them in detail. Please read the framework below then contact the Committee if you wish to start a SIG.
The following is the AHFAP Framework for the operation of SIGs.
• Members wishing to start a SIG should inform the AHFAP committee before proceeding
• The AHFAP committee can dissolve and regulate any SIG that operates as an AHFAP SIG at any time
• The SIG would be subject to AHFAP’s constitution
• A SIG should be managed by a Chair and a Secretary who should be elected at the AHFAP AGM for a period of two years
• The SIG Chair should report SIG activities to the AHFAP committee and the Secretary should arrange the publication of minutes of meetings on the AHFAP website
• If the AHFAP committee does not receive reports after a period of one year, the SIG will be considered as disbanded
• SIGs are open to all AHFAP members to join
• All SIGs should report their membership list to the membership secretary annually
• All SIG functions and events should be held under the AHFAP banner
The aims of any SIG should be clearly defined and published on the AHFAP website
This Special Interest Group focuses on photography and imaging within the libraries and archives sector.
This Special Interest Group is dedicated to the management and preservation of the association’s history, archive and legacy.
This Managers Group is for cultural heritage imaging managers, where they can share knowledge and ask for advice.
The Libraries and Archives Imaging Group (LAIG) exists to provide a place for Imaging professionals to get together and get over excited about Library and Archive collections, and the challenges associated with photographing them.
We meet twice a year, each institution take a turn to host, and the meeting is bookended with an informal networking dinner and drinks (non-compulsory, although always very well attended) and a studio tour of the host institution. During the formal meeting the group discuss an official agenda, usually topics cover technical issues and equipment, standards and service developments, and strategic projects. Whilst the informal elements of the meeting provide an opportunity for more detailed, and smaller group, conversations on specific issues, and a chance to develop professional networks and relationships.
The group is open, by request, to AFHAP members and organisations that are working within the Library and Archive sector as Imaging specialists. Please get in touch with the Chair of the group if you wish to request to join.
SIG Chair
Scott Waby
SIG Secretary
Laurie Auchterlonie
Click here to email
Current Membership List
The Bodleian Library, The British Library, Cambridge University Library, John Rylands Library, London Metropolitan Archives, National Archives, Ireland, National Archives, UK, National Library of Ireland, National Library of Scotland, National Library of Wales, UK Parliamentary Archives, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, Trinity College, Dublin, University College London, University of Edinburgh, University of York, Wellcome Trust, Postal Museum and the University of Glasgow.
AHFAP Heritage is a workgroup dedicated to the management and preservation of the association’s history, archive and legacy. The group works closely with the AHFAP Committee and acts as an advisory board for management of the association's physical and digital archive, preservation, and dissemination of AHFAP's history and legacy.
The group will also endeavour to deepen the connection with long-standing members and explore new ways of rewarding individuals who have served the association with distinction. It will define a new model of honours, in line with AHFAP’s modern structure, and a fair and inclusive approach.
AHFAP heritage group members will aim to meet quarterly, in the last week of January, April, July and October, scheduling gatherings online or in-person. Unless a meeting is held fully online, members of the group will take turns to organise a physical meeting space, ideally with hybrid meeting capabilities. A formal meeting agenda will be proposed prior to each meeting.
The group is open to AFHAP members by request. Please get in touch with the Chair of the group if you wish to request to join.
SIG Chair and Co-Chair
Isidora Bojovic and Tony Harris
The AHFAP Manager SIG is a platform where those managing photography departments focusing on cultural heritage imaging can share knowledge, ask for advice, and test ideas in a confidential setting.
The Chatham House rule applies except that information can only be shared with written approval from the information source. A breach of those rules will result in immediate dismissal from the group. The group meets online on Microsoft Teams 3-4 times per year.
Entry requirements:
SIG Chair
Kira Zumkley